We want to make sure that BUCS Play is quick. To do this, we are testing and improving BUCS Play in a number of areas, but we also need your help.
If you find BUCS Play is slow or taking longer than usual on a specific task, we ask that you report it.
To do this, please copy and paste the text below and email it to bucsplay@bucs.org.uk with information after every bullet point:
General Info
- Date and Time you were affected
- If on desktop, which browser were you using (Chrome/Explorer/Firefox etc.), and if on app, which
operating system (Android/iOS) - What is your role (IA, Captain, Student, Parent)
Performance Info
- What were you trying to do? (e.g. Joining a community - Athletics)
- Overall start to finish time (e.g. 60 seconds)
- BUCS Play response time - how long did it take to load after you completed your desired action? (e.g. 50 Seconds)
- Where possible please provide a video recording (this helps us see the issue. Without which, we have to try and recreate it later where the issue may not still be apparent)
If you do not know how to record your screen please follow these step-by-step guides for:
- Desktop
- iOS
- Android