Under exceptional circumstances or when written permission has been granted by BUCS, when a team sheet cannot be completed and verified on BUCS Play at the time of a fixture, each team is responsible for the correct completion and retention of a paper team sheet (Please see REG 11 for further information).
The paper team sheet can be uploaded to BUCS Play via the app or desktop platform. Players should still be added into the team sheet retrospectively once the paper team sheet has been uploaded. This enables the team sheet to be approved on the basis that those added to the digital team sheet match those uploaded on the paper team sheet.
If you are unable to upload a paper teamsheet (e.g. because the team sheet is locked for any reason), please email bucsplay@bucs.org.uk attaching a copy of your paper team sheet and BUCS can upload it to the fixture on your behalf. Please note, BUCS will only be able to add players to a locked team sheet if the paper team sheet is completed in full (REG Any paper team sheets that do not meet REG will be deemed incomplete.
N.B. Uploading a paper team sheet is not a substitute for completing a digital team sheet via BUCS Play.
On the desktop platform:
1. Click on the 'Result' button on the given fixture.
2. Click 'Upload Match Card' by clicking on the Upload icon, which will open your file directory. Select the relevant file and upload.
On the app:
1. Navigate to the 'Scorecard' of the given fixture.
2. Click 'Upload Match Card', which will open your photos directory. Select the relevant photo and upload.
Please note, if you need to submit a different file type such as a PDF, please do so via the desktop platform.